Beauty, Self-care

Diy Callous Remover That Works Like Magic

Here is a very simple but effective DIY callous remover recipe that you can make at home to get rid of callous almost immediately. If you have been looking for ways to reduce your callous naturally without success, the following remedy will help you get results very fast without spending a dime!

Note: If you have sensitive skin, always do a home skin patch test before using any home remedy you find online. To perform one, apply a small amount of your remedy on your inner arm or behind your ear for 5 minutes to see if there are allergic reactions.

Signs of an allergic reaction include redness, rashes, heat, pain, and swelling. If you do experience any of these symptoms, wash the remedy off right away, apply petroleum jelly or any anti-histamine cream to the affected area, and do not use it!

Diy Callous Remover That Works Like Magic

Diy Callous Remover That Works Like Magic

Callouses are very common and are usually no cause for concern. They are caused by friction or pressure and can be reduced by using simple home remedies. That said, extreme forms of calluses can be caused by an underlying health condition that restricts blood flow and circulation to the feet.

The following DIY callous remover remedy consists of apple cider vinegar which is very effective in getting rid of dead skin cells, thanks to alpha hydroxyl acid. It also helps soften your feet as well. 

Using the following remedy at least once per month can help keep your feet soft and reduce the appearance of callouses so go ahead and try it!

Over 300 Home Remedies For Every Skin & Health Problems!

Before moving on to your amazing recipe, here is a book I highly recommend for everyone! These are over 300 home remedies that you can make in your kitchen for every skin problem and common health issue! I truly believe that having this book handy can help save you thousands of dollars of doctor visits!

You also get all 4 books when you get the doctor’s remedies handbook!

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Diy Callous Remover


  • 2 Tablespoons Of Organic Apple cider vinegar
  • 4 Tablespoons of Water
  • A slice of bread
  • Plastic wrap or an elastic bandage

Preparation & Application:
Soak the piece of bread in apple cider vinegar and water for a few hours until it forms a paste. Then, lay the bread over your calluses, secure it in place with an elastic bandage or plastic wrap, and leave it on overnight. Rinse off in the morning.

Please note that you can add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to a warm basin of water and soak your feet for 30 minutes to help soften callous as well. It works like a charm but you may have to use a scrub to remove the dead skin cells after soaking your feet.

2. Baking Soda Paste To Remove Callouses

Another great remedy to help remove stubborn callouses from under your feet is baking soda, lemon juice, and warm water. This mixture of acid and chemical will create a strong reaction to dissolve calluses fast. 


  • 3 Tablespoons Of Fresh Lemon Juice
  • 2 Tablespoons of Baking Soda
  • 2 Tablespoons Of Warm Water

Preparation & Application:

Simply mix all of your ingredients to form a paste, apply it under your feet, and cover it with socks or gauze. Leave it on for up to one hour and repeat this remedy as often as you like to help get rid of calluses fast. 

3. DIY Foot Scrub For Callouses

Similar to ACV, sea salt has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial properties. Also, the sodium in sea salt is a natural exfoliator. Using this sea salt scrub will help remove rough, dead, skin from trouble spots like your heels. 


  • 1 1/2 cups of ground sea salt
  • 6 tablespoons of avocado oil
  • 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of peppermint essential oil

Preparation & Application

Combine all of the ingredients above into a mixing bowl until the oils coat the salt. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes for all the minerals to combine and do its thing.

To use this foot scrub, I recommend soaking your feet in warm water for at least 20 minutes, drying with a towel, and applying the foot scrub. Now using your fingers, begin to scrub your feet using a little bit of pressure. This foot scrub also gets rid of dead skin cells.

The Benefits

Due to its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar also helps get rid of certain types of fungus that cause overgrowth of skin tissue. So using ACV soak or the scrub above can help eliminate these bad boys even while you sleep.

For more stubborn calluses, try a pre-soak before diving into the DIY callus remover. A simple 30-minute baking soda soak helps remove the top layer of dead skin, making the apple cider vinegar concoction a lot more effective.

The Side Effects Of Applying ACV Directly On Your Skin

You should never apply apple cider vinegar directly to your skin because apple cider vinegar contains high amounts of acid. This acid can remove healthy bacteria from the skin, shrink your skin cells, and tighten your skin. Always make sure to dilute your apple cider vinegar in water before applying it to your skin to prevent side effects.

Tips To Reduce Callouses

  • Exfoliate your feet regularly
  • Soak your feet in Epsom salt twice per month
  • Use Vaseline on your calluses and wear socks at night
  • Do not wear tight shoes
  • Try not to wear shoes with very hard forms
  • Use warm soapy water to do a foot soak often
  • Apply moisturizing cream to your feet daily
  • Try this DIY foot peel


There you go! You now know how to make your very own DIY callous Remover Recipe that you can make at home! If you liked this post or found it helpful, please share it with your friends and also take a moment to follow me on Pinterest for more helpful dieting, weight loss, detoxing skin care tips, and remedies.

Diy Callous Remover That Works Like Magic